Class Model

  extended bycom.openharbor.beck.xml.Model

public class Model
extends java.lang.Object

An abstract description of an XML dialect, in terms of permitted elements and attributes. This is something like an XML schema, although it contains much less information.

Field Summary
 java.util.Set elements
          Elements defined globally in this model.
 java.util.Set types
          Types defined globally in this model.
static XMLWriter.MapKey WRITER_KEY
          The key of a Model in XMLWriter document state, which enables marshallers to produce XML of the desired structure.
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.util.Set elements
Elements defined globally in this model.


public java.util.Set types
Types defined globally in this model.


public static final XMLWriter.MapKey WRITER_KEY
The key of a Model in XMLWriter document state, which enables marshallers to produce XML of the desired structure.

Constructor Detail


public Model()